You Are Infinity

Posted on the 29 October 2011 by Hanumandass @HanumanDass

The eyes are Infinity’s way of seeing Itself. Looking into other entities eyes, whether human or animal, we see other ways in which Infinity can enjoy Itself more. The center of the eye, the lens itself, is always black, void, bottomless, unknowable. Something about peering deeply into another’s gaze seems right yet so strikingly intense. That black voidness is the the same in all sentient beings. It’s simply the nature of the eye to desire to be what it is, an instrument of perception. But the holy grail of the eye is to see itself, to look back upon itself into that darkness where consciousness seemingly emerges from its divine mystery.

The method by which Infinity perceives Itself is through becoming two, dual. It may be coincidence but it does seem profound in a way that humans have two eyes. The physical eye duplicates itself giving one of the simplest clues pointing to the Truth of reality. That two-ness, that duality of twin-eyes-ness brings about time and space. There must be a succession of moments and a reference point to locate Infinity if It is to see Itself or bring forth a physical manifest eye to see It’s infinite Eye. So mind is created, not after the eye that perceives, not post or prior to eyeness. Infinity is timeless, there can be no creating after or before. Perception and mind manifest eternally, ever fresh in this infinite moment.

This mind comes on the scene of the seeing, knowing, reflecting organ of sight and adds conception; thought happens and the seeing is conceived in a mental image. The mind is nothing other than Infinity just as the eye  is Infinity. Yet this mind that is no-thing shows up as it were and thinks thoughts, it makes distinctions, points out differences. It’s a duality-maker. But there is no distinction in Infinity, no difference, no this or that-ness. But for Infinity to reflect upon itself, we call it self-reflection, It must limit Itself.

Hence the Eternal First Thought, the Word, the Logos emanates from Infinity, It manifests and begins to duplicate Itself. Sense, the seeing and mind, the knowing and the distinguishing form mental images. The thought-streams are reality, or duality. The Word who is the first mind and the first seeing, if you can wrap your own mind around the non-concept of Infinity emanating or manifesting from Itself, duplicates Itself repeatedly. The cosmic primordial sound OM comes to mind. This fractal manifesting potentiality of the divine ether grows and grows reproducing into an infinite number of smaller reflecting seers. These mini reflections manifest other eyes, other minds to repeat and duplicate all for the purpose of Infinity seeing Itself from an infinite, limitless kaleidoscope of perspectives.

The thought-stream of mind and its every individual thought is simply an eye, or “I”, an appearance, a mental construct filled with a burning desire to see itself, to look into what it is. Self-reflection always points to the first thought, the Logos by which Infinity becomes manifest. The Logos is the incarnation, the form of the Infinite. The multiplicity of sentient beings over the course of human history have all been reproductions of mind, of the duality-maker complicating itself with the goal of looking in on who It is by nature. The mind thinks it can think about who it is by thinking about it, yet it is the eye on both the gross and the subtle level that truly sees, if mind can be pushed out of the way. Ask yourself why the Logos or to some the Christ, Krishna, or Buddha Nature is so pure, so pristine, so beautiful. The Logos embodies the purest thought stream, the first primordial one pointed thought. The thought that simply points to its Nature.

Look into the eyes of another person, into the black center, beyond the persona of name and form that surrounds the emptiness of the eye and you only see That, the blackness, the limitlessness, the Infinity of Infinity being Itself. When you focus your gaze on the others gaze there can be no thought about that seeing, no naming it, no objectifying it as it is none other than the empty voidness in your own eyes. You see Yourself. This is why when someone really looks you straight in the eyes you get nervous, sweaty, anxious, defensive and all that sort of dramatic self-love, because you’re afraid your game of being a separate person will be exposed. There’s no room for bullshit persona’s or self-assertive ego’s hung up on self-esteem in thought-streams.

The thought-stream is mind believing it is it’s thoughts and not the Infinity that gives it life, a life without which mind could not think its thoughts, see through it’s eyes, produce mental images, or assert itself as “I”. Thoughts are transient, fleeting dust on the reflecting mirror of Infinity. The “I” is a castle in the sky, why are you trying to move into it? It will dissolve as the wind blows by. You are no-thing, you are Infinity which can’t be thought or conceived. Whatever thought you form about your true nature as Infinity is not it. Your true nature is that which sees the mind thinking the thoughts that can’t describe or lay hold of it. Quite humorous really! 

So when you look in someone else’s eyes you see the vastness, the bliss, the totally fulfilling joy of experiencing your Self, your true Self who is limitless, eternal. To see Yourself as the persona, the mask of duality, your “I” is not possible now…it simply falls away. It is seen to have been only a tool to allow your Infiniteness to see and enjoy Its magnificent blissfullness. It is the Eternal Word emanating and returning to itself. It is the Spirit indwelling each of us, the Infinity of our true Selves, the real Self or Atman.

So when you get the urge to figure out who you are or maybe self-reflect upon your existence…go, look long and hard into someone else’s eyes. Peer into the eyes portal that accesses Infinity. But be warned, you may indeed see Yourself, clothed with an illusion, a delusion of Self-esteem, of separateness. The self-assertion, the “I” you think you are is a dream Infinity tells Itself for It’s own enjoyment. When you can look into the void of naked perception, into the abyss of the black central point of the eye you have to make a choice.

You have to choose to believe in the illusion of separateness and a manifest universe created by the mind who has made itself the headmaster of thought and the dreamer of dreams, the self-absorbed subject…you can attach yourself to that if you want. Or you drop the illusion like waking up from a dream and remember that all the characters and all the things are not of any lasting reality. The waking dream is of no more realness than the sleepers dream. Every-thing in the dream is You appearing to not be You. You are pretending to be things or persons all for the joy of seeing yourself and enjoying yourself from the perspective of the other. You are not thought, mind, senses, body, feelings, emotions, etc. You are the Infinity of true wakefulness…infinite, limitless, eternal, transcendent. So wake up, you haven’t been yourself for quite a while. Remember who you are. That Art Thou.


Here is something of a sketch I thought would be interesting to share. The ‘concept’ of this drawing is that all sentient beings eyes are windows from Infinity which look into a limited ‘world’ of duality to see other eyes and of course reflect upon Itself. The universe, duality is the medium of seeing. Anyway I’ll let the sketch do the talking!