You Are Tagged - the 11 Questions Tag Game!

Posted on the 10 July 2012 by Rajrupa @irajrupa

I felt very honored this week, because for the first time ever, I was tagged in a 11 questions game by Ash. The challenge was to answer her 11 thought-provoking questions, and then think up 11 of my own for 11 more bloggers.
Here’s how the game is played:
1. Link back the blogger who tagged you.
2. You must post the rules.
3. Answer the questions given by the person tagged you.
4. Tag eleven new bloggers.
5. Set eleven new questions for the bloggers tagged by you.
6. Inform them about the tag.
It’s an interesting one for me, because although I blog quite a lot, I don’t think I give much away about myself. So, here I am, in 11 random facts…
1. When did you start blogging and why?
Ø Now if I look back, I have always been writing. It was not serious though. A timid folder on my laptop named ME. But being an introvert I never shared them with anyone. Then on a fine sunny day my husband got hold of them. It was him who convinced me that writing on a blog was a good idea since other like minded people’s views will help me improve. It took him one week of coaxing before I gave in. And now that I am here, I can’t begin to say how much I am enjoying. J
2. What makes life worth living?
Ø Everything. Each small thing, every experience, success and failure, makes it worth living. I am grateful that I have been given a life of a human and a normal one. I have so much to do, so much to see within one life span. But if I am absolutely forced to pick one thing that makes my life worth living, it would be my best friend and now husband. Because as long as I remember, he was always there in all my life’s experiences that makes me me!
3. What do you like doing in your spare time?
Ø I read. I write. I try new recipes.
4. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Ø Leonardo DiCaprio (After watching Titanic) – I was in seventh standard at that time
5. What one quality would you give the most importance to while choosing (or having chosen) a life partner?
Ø The best thing that I like about my spouse is, I can talk and act silly with him, without having to fear that he might think me silly. So yeah that was the most important thing that mattered. To be able to by myself without having to think anything. To be able to be at ease even with two oiled plaits, a horribly running nose and a bad bowl. Apart from that the other thing I noticed first about him was his heart. In my life I have not seen a man more compassionate.
6. What do you like most about your job? (Do answer this even if you chose to be a home-maker, because that is a full-time job in itself!)
Ø The salary it fetches me
7. Are you happy with your present choice of career, or would you rather be doing something else?
Ø It is my dream to become a writer one day
8. Do you follow your head or your heart more?
Ø I am mostly an impulsive person. So most of my decisions are guided by my heart
9. If you were given the chance to rewind your life and do any one thing differently, what would that be?
Ø Start blogging much earlier
10. How would you react if you were being followed by a shady-looking character in a secluded place?
Ø From a real life experience, I think it’s best to confront. Usually they are the coward ones.
11. Tell me about someone whom you've met in the strangest manner, who has then gone on to become an integral part of your life.
Ø That would be a shoe-mender. I met him on the railway station when my sandals tore suddenly. It was three years back. Today I can say he is the philosopher of my life.
Alright, that wraps it up for me. Here are the 11 bloggers I'm tagging:

1. Helen
2. Kappu
3. Deepak
4. JJ
5. Neha
6. Vyoma
7. Sudeshna
9. Aativas
11. Village Girl
And my questions for you –
1. When did you realize you were a writer?
2. What was the last movie you saw and what did you think about it?
3. If you can’t write any longer, how will you express your creativity?
4. Do you believe in next birth?
5. If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing, just one thing in the world, what would it be?
6. What is your favorite Disney film?
7. What is the most extreme thing you've done in your life?
8. What is the best way to spend Rs. 10000000?
9. Do you believe alien exist?
10. What is your guilty pleasure?
11. What would be your dream vacation? Where and with whom? Follow me.