You Can Call Me Caitlyn When It Comes To Chasing Joy

Posted on the 08 June 2015 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Here is a silly question, did you see Caitlyn  Jenner?  Of course  you did. The whole world saw her.  I don't know how you feel about her debut nor do I really care actually.   This post isn't about any sort of transgender pro / con , acceptance / non-acceptance conversation.   This post like all others on this blog is about Chasing Joy.
Ultimately, I think Bruce's transition  to Caitlyn  was  about him trying to be happy.  It was a huge step. A much bigger step than most of us will ever have to take in the pursuit of happiness.  However, many of us have and will decide to make huge life changes to be happier. We may change jobs, move, end relationships, start relationships,  or decide to become a parent.  Others of us may long to make these changes but find ourselves unable to for any variety of reasons including fear, lack of support, or lack of resources.  
I have many thoughts related  to  Caitlyn. The thought that carries the most weight for me is Now That's  Chasing Joy.  This thought leads me to question if I am really doing all that I can to catch my share of Joy.  Do I need more courage? Do I need to work harder to build my self confidence? Do I need to grow  more in my faith? Will I then be Chasing Joy on Caitlyn's level?  Chasing Joy openly, unapologetically, courageously and with all that I have.
Are you pushing yourself in your pursuit of happiness? Are your fears keeping you from Chasing Joy as vigorously as you should?  What do you need to start Chasing Joy Caitlyn style?