Or at least, that is what the critics have taken from the above poster which has been making it's controversial rounds of the internet recently. It's a tad blurry but the text at the bottom of this poster reads: "Don't leave yourself more vulnerable to regretful sex or even rape. Drink sensibly and get home safely."
"Police chiefs have been forced to apologize to anti-rape campaigners after a poster campaign warning women of the dangers of leaving themselves more vulnerable to sex attacks drew criticism. West Mercia Police sparked fury with their controversial Safe Night Out poster campaign which warned women not to "leave yourself vulnerable to regretful sex or even rape."
I'm sorry, but why are they apologising?! It's good advice. You can't say there is no link between going out and getting so plastered you can't see straight, and being at risk of sexual attack. There is a very good reason why shops have CCTV, and security guards, why clothes have security tags on them. There's a reason why people install burglar alarms in their homes, why we have house and car keys and why we don't leave our belongings lying on the bar when we go to the bathroom, or out for a cigarette.Criminals and thieves are known to be opportunists, and we protect ourselves from such risks every day without even thinking about it. So why shouldn't we do the same when we go out for the night?Of course, despite all these precautions, stores still lose stock, homes get burgled and people sadly do get raped. That doesn't mean that not getting too drunk, and making sure you have a plan for getting home safe is waste of time. I simply can't understand why women are getting so offended over this. It's not like they're saying "Hey, sluts! Had more than six shots of Sambuca? Naughty naughty. You're gunna get raped now." It's saying don't get so drunk that you can't help yourself be safe if you end up needing too.Another point I'm slightly nervous to touch on, is how many men have admitted to sleeping with drunk girls, who apparently gave their consent, only to then be accused of rape once they've sobered up in the morning. This is what is meant when they ask you to avoid having 'regretful sex'. This campaign is to protect both men and women. Via BBC News, Jocelyn Anderson, from the Worcestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, said: "It's not alcohol that causes rape, although it's a vulnerability factor, it's rapists that cause rape. The problem was the poster put the blame on to alcohol and women who are raped, suggesting if they didn't drink they could avoid rape."Nope, sorry - disagree there. It's about helping yourself, and playing a part in the prevention. You can't say that women are to blame for drinking, and the poster doesn't say that either. It says don't leave yourself "more vulnerable" to rape, implying that you're already vulnerable whether you drink or not - which is absolutely right.End of.
posted on 09 February at 15:25
I agree. Unfortunately there are predators out there. Being alert and aware of your surrounding is a positive way to possibly prevent an unpleasant experience. Also, not only does drinking responsibly enable the drinker to be more alert, a predator will most likely put his or her sights on someone who IS vulnerable, intoxicated, not alert. Just my two cents. Be careful out there, and look out for each other. God Bless. :-)