You Determine Your Destiny!

Posted on the 25 August 2011 by Stephanie Garrett @Stephanieg3360

I am beginning to realize that people like to pee on your parade.  They like to diminish your hopes and dreams and make you feel small.  With most people, their perception is their reality. Well I am here to tell you that is not my reality!  I operate at a higher consciousness, and it is my belief that your own thoughts and actions determine your destiny.  Not what someone else’s limited perception or opinion is about you.  They can’t think beyond what they see in front of them. When you know and feel that all things are working together for your good, have faith in your beliefs and stay the course. Keep on keeping on, even if you can’t see it.

In recent times,  I have had people tell me that I won’t be successful because of my gender, my race, my size, my age and even my cache. Yes in the 21st century we still have people telling us that we won’t become successful because of these things. Then they want to argue with you and tell you that by their statistics, in a (condescending tone) ” That you’re just not going to make it, “it’ll never happen for you”. Oh really?  Well I’ve got news for you.  You don’t get to determine my destiny!  No one knows what the future holds for you or anyone else. They are not privy to what the universe has in store for me or you.

I say use your haters, the naysayers, and the non-believers as fuel to move forward and stay on your path. Let the negativity keep you praying, keep you motivated, keep you in the gym, and keep you focused; what ever it is!  Have it keep you working so hard, that you will get that job, partner, and life you want. Become the very best person you know how to be.  Never forget  that the wise always stay the course.

In closing I say this. Let all that negativity and foolishness make you a fighter and become stronger because of  it.  Grow a thick skin so when craziness comes at you, it won’t drag you down. You’ll get right back up, dust yourself off and try again.  Thank them for helping you move forward  into greatness. Remember that they may piss you off and hurt your feelings, but they don’t get to determine your destiny. Now go forward and prosper!~