You Got Me (Or Did You?)

Posted on the 28 August 2013 by Albert Wagner @albertwagner4

Here it goes again, you think to yourself.  Somebody is trying to make my life difficult again - intentionally.
It is part of being human, you could think. Part of life is accepting that sometimes people will do things against your will.  Using the worldly way of thinking the reaction is usually you want to get back at the other person somehow.
However, the beliefs of Christianity look at things a little differently. 
It sounds like where this post is going refers to turning the other cheek.  However, it is not directly.  This post is looking at how to react to those who are trying to get to you based on why they behaved like they did.  The Christian view includes:
1.  Not focusing on getting back at the person, and
2.  Examining what might have led the person to behave like they did.
Without a lecture on Christianity the basic premise is that the belief is we are ALL sinners in the first place.
For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.    - Bible, Epistle To The Romans 3:23
Using this line of thought we are no better than the person who tried to get to us.  In a way it means we are not really justified in doing what we know we shouldn't in response to someone who did what they knew they shouldn't. 
Why Do People Behave The Way They Do?
Using psychology as a guide the people who constantly criticize you generally have something they don't like about their own life.  Anyone has something to complain about if they look at things a certain way.  Those people who are constantly trying to get to you typically have something unresolved in their own life and they are not trying to resolve it in the best manner. 
However, the Christian model of living suggests a better way to live.  It is better for other people and for you in the long term.   Just like people have something to complain about by looking at things in a certain way, people also can feel fulfilled by looking at things in a certain way. 
It is the author's opinion that those who have a genuine spiritual belief deep down are less bothered by the little things in life.  If you think God is on your side and you will have eternal salvation then it is easier to deal with little things.
People without this belief behave the way they do partially because they are not following God's word in daily life. This brings deep down conflict and the person might not be aware of what they are expressing ( or dismiss it).  Following God's word means withholding some of what you would say so you do not hurt the other person. 
If you felt good about yourself you would not have a reason to constantly behave this way.
The next time someone tries to get to you just think of what is going on with them.  it might be worth thinking about.
This adds meaning to life because:  People might try to get to you in life, but with the right approach it does not have to bother you.
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Author:  Albert Wagner