You'll Be Itching to Stay Another Day

Posted on the 18 March 2012 by Lazidaisical @Lazidaisical
"No rain. May 6 to Aug 19. Aug 19, hail."
Not to mention: time is running
away. What shameful, hectic, narrow lives we lead. By
conscious, manmade auras of romance.
And what counts as hard-core?
weekend nights - you might catch an impromptu hoedown
where you'll fall under the spell of sweeping
sea anemones and bright orange seastars.
And, yes, it's legal to take them with you.
"nothing else has to happen."
* * * * *
Another cut-up travel story. This one contains lines from articles about a beach in Washington, the Grand Canyon, and a family that lives off the grid. I'm obsessed with doing this now. I must look like a homicidal maniac, sitting on my living room floor, surrounded by scraps from magazines, drinking a beer, and with the window facing the street opened, no less.