You Make Me Smile

Posted on the 31 October 2017 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
I can't help but smile this evening. It's Halloween and what a wonderful evening we have had. Nothing out of the ordinary, pumpkin carving, chatting with neighbours and watching our children play, dressing up, letting the kids paint our faces and then off trick or treating. All the usual Halloween festivities. What has made me smile the most is my two littlies. There warmth and characters have filled me with so much joy.

I won't lie, I do moan about motherhood at times. The terrible two have taken its toll on many occasions, Darcie's teenager moments have been challenging also and sometimes I've really wanted to stick my middle finger up at this parenting shiz. But my god, I want those challenging moments. I want to work hard to help shape my children future because the moments like this evening are what makes everything worth it. Every tear and frustrated text to my hubby, every time I've had to pick my son up off the floor after he's become overwhelmed with emotions/frustration. It's so worth it.
This evening I saw my children happily chatting away to members of our community. Wanting share sweets with our neighbours and make sure they were happy. Their affection towards family and seeing the excitement on their faces as they happily talk about their day just fills me with so much pride and joy.
You may be reading this and rolling your eyes. This is nothing out of the ordinary. I know this but for me, it was a moment of realisation that we're doing a good job at parenting. Shutting out some of the negative noise that often plays on my mind.
Life is good and happy and positive things are to come.
I hope your Halloween was just as happy.
K Elizabeth xoxox