Diaries Magazine

You’ve Got Mail!

Posted on the 01 November 2015 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy


Have you ever had email conversations with someone you’ve never met?

It’s funny how that works. Every time I get a notification I feel a little like Meg Ryan in “You’ve Got Mail”

Talking to someone you’ve never met. Don’t have any idea what they look like. They could be the mail man or even your next door neighbor. For all you know you could be talking to some long lost relative.

This form of communication can, sometimes, be very personal or impersonal, as you talk about a whole lot of nothing or a little bit of something.

Sometimes you write paragraph after paragraph and sometimes you just write a few lines to say “Hi, I had a good day. How about you?”

and then….

Something comes along to take it all away

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