As I'm still trying to *rest* my recovering hand (easier said than done with the 3 pixies on school holidays), I thought I'd whip up this quick post by answering another of your burning questions from our survey - 'Why did you go to Tasmania?'. Before I start, just in case some of you are unfamiliar with my family background, I should explain that both Mr PB and I grew up in Hobart, Tasmania's capital. We spent 11 years in Sydney as I mentioned here. We always planned to return to Hobart to raise the pixies and also as our parents and two of our sisters live here as well as old friends.
So, now to answer your question!
Card of Tasmania by the talented Lisa Kingston of Little and Big K
This post picks up from Sam's birth and tells the tale of how we ended up living in Hobart only 6 weeks later!And this post continues the story of how we actually managed to pack up our apartment and move with 6 week old Sam, 19 month old India and 3½ year old Joshua back to Hobart. My stars! They were very hard days. Little did I know what was to come next...
I'll return with the next installment shortly - pinky promise. So tell me, have any of you made any similarly difficult and crazy moves? Tell me I'm not alone!