Your New Assignment: Create a Family Manifesto

Posted on the 05 January 2012 by Simplybrookes
nouna public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives or motives as one issued by a government, sovereign or organization.


big word.,  manifesto.
every family needs one...or two.
we have three. 
here is the scenerio,
ever have a kid crumble in your arms as soon asthey walk through the doors after a tough day at school? 
how about when your teenager daughter
shares details of a drama filled day at school...and you have to send her back on that bus
the very next day.
this is when you put your big ears on, 
listen intently to every word and simply state 
your family manifesto, 
your motto, 
your mantra.   
This will be the sentence you repeat time after time, defining your family strategy of handling life. This is the same sentence 
your child will run off to you 
the day you need to hear it most. 
it begins to take on a life of it's own.
speaking of, tell me YOUR family manifesto?   the one phrase that can lift you when down?   exalt you as you celebrate?   define your character when questioning?   calm you when scared? 
this, my dear friends,
is your new assignment. 
print it, post it on the fridge, 
hang it on your wall.  say it out loud and often.   whatever it is, 
declare this as yours.  
well, like i said, 
we've got three floating around,
depending on the situation.
#1 Nothing is bigger than us
(no matter what comes our way in  life,
we are stronger and bigger than any 
problem or road bump.)
#2 Remain calm
(don't panic. take a deep breath 
and think about what lies in front of you.
you can do this)
#3 We are strong but not perfect 
 ode to michelle obama
(our family is the foundation: 
strong and mighty.
 and perfectly imperfect.
let us not ever forget that.
in fact, no earthly creature is)
We repeat these when trouble comes our way, 
when we celebrate, 
and when we question our path
(that and a lot of prayer).  
We have uttered these in good times and in bad.  
They are our comfort, 
words that ground us and remind us of what we are made of, 
where we come from and where we’ve been.
that sums up our 
family manifesto, folks.
now tell me yours...
or go out and declare yours.
either way,
i'd love to hear about it.