“Your Order Has Shipped”

Posted on the 18 August 2019 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy

That is one of my favorite notifications. It means, as you all well know, that my stuff is on it’s way. I get way too excited. I have this strange need to track my shipment until it is safely in my house.  From the moment I get that notification I am on it. Tracking and checking it’s progress. The only letdown is when something is going through the post office. Some shippers are better than others. FedEx rocks the tracking info. UPS could really learn a thing….or 10, from FedEx. And the post office….forget about tracking info. They suck.

I currently have 2 orders i’m tracking. Both thraveling via FedEx and both due to arrive Tuesday……

Stay tuned for updates 🙂
