Your Relationship (Part 1) : In Bed, Before You're Wed.

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks

Hey, check it out, that rhymes up there! That means you're going to be more interested in what's going on down here-exactly, so here's the schpeel:

I'm starting a series, I dunno how many parts it's going to be, or even if it will only be this one part, but I do know that there are some things I think I need to talk about, and maybe you need to know-I don't know, nobody ever leaves me any feedback (hint hint).

So the question I'll be answering tonight is:

"What's so bad about Pre-Marital Sex?"

Now, if you're special like me, you just read that and thought martial arts ad something about pre, and then sex. For those of you that did not, go back and read it again-great, now we're all on the same page!
So, pre-marital, does not mean doing something before a mega martial arts competition with lot's of shouting and awesome Karate Kid style moves.
No, just no.
Pre-Marital means before you put a ring on it, before you officially get married according to the government and all that.
So, what really is so bad about Pre-Marital sex? 
The popular answer is:
The wrong answer is: nothing!

So: example numero uno:

Due to the incredible changes in our world, and my inability to completely voice what my mind is still trying to figure out about my opinions on our incredible world today, you are Gender1. The person you are interested in, is Gender2-to make things simpler.

Okay, you, Gender1 is spending a proficient amount of time hanging around with Gender2, whether by texting, phone call or even in person or large group hang out sessions. Whatever, you're getting to know each other pretty well, and because this is a gender neutral example, you both have these four things:

1) The need to feel needed
2)The need for acceptance (including failures)
3)The need for Love (it's different,'kay?)
4) and the feeling of being wanted (you're not a bother!)
And because you're both "genders" there won't be any, "Male needing to be in charge" or "Female needing to assert herself". 
Okay-Gender 1, you are now beginning to think about the future, marriage dating and the whole "in-bed" thing. 

The popular saying is (and I've now heard it coming from High school Freshmen-one of the proud reasons I needed to write this post)

"You test drive Car before you finalize the deal, right?"


If you ever say this to anyone, they'll either agree because they're a slime ball like yourself, or they'll just give you the stink-eye and get up, leaving you to suffer alone in the universe.

Okay, maybe not.

So-the information you, Gender 1 need to know about:

Why not to be "In Bed, before you're Wed."

1) Negative effects emotionally: When you engage in intercourse, you become emotionally attached to that person. People were not meant to have multiple partners due to the emotional and physical strain they would then have-that's why when you Cheat on someone, your original partner eventually figures it out, because you don't "love" them as much as before. true story. If you sleep around "test-driving" people before you get married, when you finally meet that "special" someone, all your precious emotional attachments will be spread over the world, given away before you really found someone. Sad, but true.

2) Physical downsides: You can get a sexually transmitted disease, the probability is out there and undeniable. If you "test-drive" people before you take the time to fully get close, even if they're unaware that they carry the disease, they could have spread it around already-c'mon, you already know this. 

3) The Purity thing: For some people, it's a "Thing" and for some it's not, for me it is. I am very modest, except when dancing, but even then-I tend to cover up more than most. And because of the afore mentioned subjects, I don't want to subject myself to any of those things. Life is hard, but if I give one of the most beautiful things about myself as a whole away, before I'm absolutely sure, I'm not screwed-but life could be a wee bit more complicated.

4) And the last thing, the thing no one mentions that irritates me the most.

If you truly love the person, Who in the this blasted universe cares how they "perform" in bed?!

There you have it. Now, I've never done any of this-and I don't intend to until I have a real wedding ring, or am bound in marriage before God. If you truly love the person, and you believe they love you in return, you shouldn't be worried about "bed" at all-because it shouldn't matter.

Then, before you make the final decision about moving to the next step in your relationship, Gender1, maybe take sometime to really think about that decision, and about Gender2-what about their opinions?

I'm no Einstein, and sometimes (often, actually) I'm wrong. So prove it! Give me feedback, what's your opinion?




Just saw God's not Dead-I cried, for the first time in a Movie theatre, ever!