First up we have this adorable lovers mug set - the wintery design is just perfect for the festive season, and I love that the mugs nestle together! They're so sweet, romantic right down to the heart shaped handles!
I bought these purely for Jon & I to use for our winters evening drinks, but I also think they'd make a really cute gift for any couple this Christmas!
Available HERE priced at £14.80

I had also been wanting to pick up a Santa Plate for the boys to leave their mince pie, milk and carrot out for Santa and Rudolph on Christmas Eve..this one is such a lovely design!!
This is available HERE priced at £20.20

I also feel the need to use festive EVERYTHING at Christmas Time - from Christmassy welcome mats right down to Christmassy toilet paper!! And tea towels are no exception! This lovely festive tea towel is available HERE for £11.85

The boys have their own personalised stockings already but I thought it'd be nice for Jon and I to have our own too, so I ordered these monogrammed ones and I think they work pretty well!
They're available HERE priced at each £19.05 each.

There's plenty more great home decor options available at Zazzle so be sure to pay them a visit today!
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