Zee Future (say It with a German Accent)

Posted on the 27 July 2012 by Threesixfive @MamaChaser
I started this blog as a place to share my thoughts and feelings on new motherhood. Since then I made it the home of my new photo project, taking a photo every day of my son and writing a little about our day. I've picked up a small (and I stress the word small) following along the way. After my photo project is complete I won't be blogging here anymore. I've enjoyed my blogging experience but I've decided I'm done after this year :).
I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts, as that's the only outcome I've hoped for; enjoyment. It's time to put my energies and time into something else after this year is up as I always said I'd blog for a few years before throwing the towel in. I'll keep all my old posts up and continue doing this project until the year is up. Once the year is up I'll keep my posts up forever more and won't remove my blog, but I won't be updating anymore :). By the same token this blog is going to purely be the home of my 366 Project from now on. No posts, no reviews, no thoughts shared, nada, nil, zip. I'm done with blogging and I'm happy.