Hasn't the weather been absolutely amazing this week?!!
I'm not the worlds biggest fan of hot weather but I do appreciate it when the sun shines as its nice to be able to have days out with Tyne without having to worry about being rained on, and of course its a good reason for both he and I to start wearing nice summery clothes!
We don't get much of a summer in this country so I'm not 100% convinced that this week we've had isn't our whole entire summer and that once the weather changes on Tuesday, that's our lot! But fingers crossed I'm wrong!!
Another fab thing about summer is the chance to go to the beach and go swimming - of course, in order to do that we need swimming costumes!!
As a big Cruising fan, I love having a collection of lovely swimming costumes - on cruises its lovely to spend loads of time sunbathing on the deck or chilling in one of the many outdoor pools or jacuzzis, and because you're on a really posh ship its nice to have stylish costumes - you don't just want your bog standard plain black cozzy on!!
I've been browsing cruise holidays this weekend, and - in turn - ended up browsing for new swimming costumes too, just in case I happen to book one!
I came across the Zoggs website a few weeks ago, and so I had a browse on there last night for some swim-spiration - they have a fantastic selection of womens swimwear available and have a feature called "Find your Swimshape" which helps you to choose the perfect style of swimming costume for your body shape.
I would highly recommend the site and the "Find Your Swimshape" feature if you're looking for a new swimming costume for the summer days!