Zoom-in Zoom-out

Posted on the 30 April 2021 by Chetan @smilingchetan

Here’s the last post in the series A2Z tips to grow your business: Zoom-in Zoom-Out 

Growing a business takes a lot of effort, people have to strain every nerve to make it grow. They work 24×7×365 to grow it, to get it to a certain level. They compromise for it and after some time  business becomes their life. The genuine happiness for them becomes the small successes of their business. 

In the urge to grow the business, one should not forget the importance of maintaining the balance between personal and professional life. 

Zoom in and Zoom-out, analyze your situation.

 Are you compromising to bring laurels to your business? 

Are you focusing too much to become powerful in the business market?

Is there something you would love to do in your life but can’t because of office commitments?

At what cost do you want to run your business, you decide? 

Business gives you money and power. Does it give you your true happiness? Think about it and decide the future of your business.

Are you giving back enough to the community? 

Entrepreneurs shape society and community. There is no doubt.A country cannot grow and develop without the contribution from industrialists and big businesses. Watch how America became a developed country and who contributed to this development - The Men who built America.

As an entrepreneur, are you doing your bit for the community without self-interest but purely intending to develop the community, providing resources to the needy, saving the environment?

 Are you fulfilling your Corporate Social Responsibility?

Are you making your contribution? Think about it and Take Action.

This post is a part of Blogchatter A-Z Challenge- #blogchatterA2Z. Check out my A-Z Challenge theme, and read previous posts.