Zumba is the only thing that I have managed to keep up consistently over the last couple of weeks. I think this is partly because of the monetary commitment
I was proud last night though – because I went on my own! My friend wasn’t well (get better soon!), but I still made myself go(!!!)
Check out those steps and calorie burn! … It would be more if I didn’t have such a sedentary job, but I will take what I can get.
And the good news is that with some dietary changes I have dropped some weight, perhaps just fluid retention, but I am on my way.
After speaking to a coworker who got married in March, she shared some of her approaches to preparing for ‘the dress’. A lot of people seem to look down on the whole ‘fit for the wedding dress’ thing, and staying who you are… BUT it was nice to chat with someone like-minded… Hopefully it will give me the motivation boost I need