Diaries Magazine

First in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love Designs

Posted on the 23 March 2012 by Lilnoodlebug @lilnoodlebug

This is Diana
First in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love Designs
She blogs over hereFirst in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love Designsand runs the cutest shop hereFirst in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love Designs
In one sentence, tell us aboutyourself?My name is Diana Smith, I am a motherof two kids.  Olivia who is 20 months and Harrison who is 4 months. I live in Orem, Utah and am happily married almost 4 years.  I am agraphic designer and have my own shop which I sell graphic design prints forhome, office, nursery, just wherever.
Do you on sell strictly online or doyou also do local fairs, etc?I sell mostly online, but I do craftfairs and have two coming up next month!First in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love DesignsFirst in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love DesignsHow do you come up with newdesigns?  What inspires you?I love hearing awesome quotes.  Iam always on the lookout for quotes or sayings and love incorporating thoseinto my designs.  I also love patterns and color! I am constantly lookingfor those too.First in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love DesignsWhat item in your shop is yourbestseller? Why do you think?My best selling item is my customstate prints.  People love to show off where they came from and its alsofun gifts to give.http://www.etsy.com/listing/87095285/5-x-7-state-prints-customFirst in Line Friday: Diana from Livy Love DesignsAny advice for people starting out?My best advice is to keep going. I remember when I first started my shop and thought that overnight Iwould have 50 sales.  It didn't happen and I was devastated and thoughtthat I should just give up.  However, I just kept at it and loved it and startedto see sales and now I am so grateful that I am busy and am able to make moneyon my passion.  I feel like its not that you don't have a product thatpeople don't like, its that you just need to get your product out there andshow people.
 DISCOUNT!!!Diana is offering 25% off any order using code:ETSYLOVESHOP                 TWITTER             BLOG

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