Creativity Magazine

1 Month

Posted on the 07 June 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

It's been a month since Rara went to jail, and as time stretches on, things seem to be getting harder and harder.

The other day during a discussion, I defined hope as: An intentionally false belief to help you get through a difficult time.

And perhaps that is what is slowly dwindling. The hope that this might suddenly work itself out. Some legal higher-up, would come and say, "This has been all a mistake, you really are a good person, you're free to go." An intentionally false belief, to help cushion the initial shock.

Rara has a court date set for the 11th, though from the sounds of it, neither her defender or the prosecutor will make it. So, she'll sit and wait by herself all day.

She has received many letters, but can't reply to anyone outside the US, due to the cost of postage. And to the three who may know, she happened to receive three letters on the same day, the content of which she took as a sign of dreams, portents and messages to stay strong.

And without further ado, another letter from Rara. Click the image to see the full size version.

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