Self Expression Magazine

10 Joyful Memories of My Grandmother

Posted on the 30 January 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
10 Joyful Memories of my Grandmother I like to keep fun things on my desk at work.  I have pictures of my pets, nieces, nephews, and friends babies.  I have mugs, paper weights, and a mouse pad representing my Alma mater, Temple University.  I have magnets, calenders, and other souvenirs from my and my co-workers vacations.  I have all of these things on my desk mixed in with papers  file, post it notes and paper clips because they serve as little reminders of why I work.  Of course I work to pay my bills, feed and clothe myself.  But I also work to fund my vacations, gifts for the kids in my life, and the care of my pets.
Mixed in with all of these doodads is a little whit elephant.  I like white elephants. They remind me of my Grandmother. She passed away when I was 12 so I did not get to know here well.  At least not in that way that you get to know the adults in your family as you are becoming an adult yourself.  I do have fond memories of her though.  Here are a few:
  1. My grandmother had a white elephant statue in her living room.  It was placed facing away from the door.  It was supposed to bring luck.  I am not superstitious but I enjoy having the elephant around to reminding me of her.  I also have one in my living room. 
  2. She feed me grits.  I still enjoy them and eat them often.
  3. She allowed my parents to have fun and enjoy time sans me :-)  She would baby-sit me on New Years Eve so they could go out.
  4. While my mom and aunts also crocheted I remember my grandmother finishing the most projects.  In particular I remember a hot pink Tam that she made while showing me how to do it.
  5. I remember being mesmerized watching her hair turn from dark brown to gray as my mom put whit group on her head.  This was the first time I remember seeing anyone get a perm (aka relaxer)
  6. I remember her friend from across the street wore her hair in two pigtails. She was the oldest lady I'd knew who wore her hair in pigtails.
  7. I remember that she mastered the art of venting.  She'd get things off of her chest and out of her system without actually taking any action.  Just fussing :-)
  8. I remember the front steps were covered in that green faux-grass.  I thought it was very cool.
  9. I remember her mother was blind and smoked a tobacco pipe.
  10. I remember her joking with my mom calling me motor-mouth.  I may talk a little less.  But I do think I have a way with words.  

10 Joyful Memories of my Grandmother

Me and Mom-mom

What are your most joyful memories of your grand-parents?

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