You are on a mission. You have 10 words to dream up.
Get your mojo engines running. Do whatever it takes to Katy Perry ROAR. Crank some music. Shake your arms and legs and boogie like a rock star.
Warmed up?!

Now … sit down … shut up … and in 10 words or less, describe YOU.
I’ll go first. You always make me do shit first.
Ballsy chick with kick ass sassiness and a ginormous heart.
So what.
It was challenging to write that. I get it. I had to write with frozen sausage fingers in a freaking snow storm.
You better be feeling sorry for me right now.
And while you are feeling sorry for me, can you go follow me on instagram? I need some peeps to hang out with over there. I’m lonely, with frozen fingers.
Want to see my backyard? Here you go:
Now just wait a second. Back up the bus. Before you go thinking that looks all lovey-dovey-and-snow-globey winter wonderland … think again. It only looks that pretty for about 10 minutes. The rest of it is a shit storm.
I should write a book called “How to succeed in failing at living in the Canadian snow”
Dear snow, you suck.
So… if I can write 10 words under such extreme harsh weather conditions, then you can dream up a 10 word description of YOU. You are probably sitting someplace warm and cosy right about now. You have no excuses, dude*
* Yes, I called you dude.
I’m sort of hoping you are holding a surf board and you need me to come redecorate your beach hut. If there are palm trees near by… my bags are packed.
Stop daydreaming.
Gimme 10 words in the comment section.

* taps toes, bangs hands on table … do it, man *
Need more creative inspiration? GOT IT. I’m here to help you out. I roll like that. Thank you. Thank you very much. I said that in my deep sultry Elvis voice.
Cool thaangs I found while avoiding snow surfing cyberspace this week :
* Crank the music. Dance it out. This guy knows how to be awesome. Hilarious. I think he had tequila before he went to the game.
* A coolio spot to explore art online. This site supports artists by giving them a place to sell their art and prints. Totally hunky dory. The prints are super reasonable in price, and you can buy from an artiste <— I said that with my Frenchie accent. Saahweet. LOVE.
* Want to feel inspired? This talk. Oh this Ted talk. It has had over 11 million views! Brené Brown does a talk that good. It is about vulnerability. It is unbelievable. It will change the way you think.
Feel like your life in words is a shit storm? Write it. Feel like you are all that and a bag of chips? Right on. Write it, dammit. Don’t make me slap you on the back of the head, waiting. Waiting. Waiting. <—- I screamed that.
It’s every man for himself. Don’t worry. This 10 word writing exercise will not put hair on your chest, although there may be 13 year old boys all over the world wishing that it did.
Can’t do it? No pressure. Ninjas won’t drop from the ceiling and airlift you outta here. I have one more trick up my sleeve to inspire you.
This video. Dance through the fire. I wanna hear you roar.
10 words.

One thing is for certain :
Where am I?
Right behind you.
Right where I’ve always been.