If you are a prayer I'm sure you have prayed for Paris, Beirut, and or the Syrian refugees over the last few days. The recent Terrorist attacks and the overall violent state of the world is in the forefront of most of our minds this week. One of the reasons having some kind of faith is so important is that in times like this, when many of us feel helpless, at least we can pray. We can pray for others, world peace, our own comfort, etc...
The other night after watching interviews with survivors of the Paris attacks I started to pray for the victims' families, the injured, the post-traumatic stress of the survivors. While praying I felt so blessed that I was not praying for anyone I knew personally. Then I thought about what the prayers of those directly impacted must be like. I realized how small my prayers are in comparison.
Granted I do have 2 big prayers (for my mom's health and my trying to conceive efforts) but most of my prayers are really insignificant. But, I pray a lot! Sometimes I think God must be like OMG it's her again (Do you think God says OMG???) My prayers are for small things and sound something like this. God please allow my car to function properly and not have a flat. God please let them leave me alone at work. God please let me make the lights on the way to work. Lord please don't let me have any of those weird dreams where you think your awake but you cannot move. Lord please don't let me trip and fall and embarrass myself. Lord please don't let me run into anyone annoying in the supermarket. You get the idea. Silly stuff. Small stuff.
My prayers are small because I am safe. I am not hungry. I have more clothes than can fit in my closet. I have a comfortable home. I know exactly when my next paycheck is coming and how much it will be. I also know that it will be more than enough to provide for my needs. Many people cannot make these same statements. My prayers are small because I am so very blessed that the majority of my everyday concerns are trivial.
Now I do not feel guilty for going to God with my small prayers. There is no such thing as big or small where He is concerned. I do however, feel so very grateful for all that I have. I am thankful for small prayers.
What are you thankful for???