Self Expression Magazine

1000 Reasons To Be Joyful, #1000Gratitudes

Posted on the 16 February 2015 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
1000 Reasons To Be Joyful, #1000Gratitudes Last week I wrote a blog post answering the question that I get asked most by people when they first learn about Chasing Joy.  In that post I talked about how hard it would be to list 1000 things to be grateful for but in doing so it would shift our focus to all of the good things about our life and therefore increase our Joy.  It was just a thought that I shared while writing the post.  Now, as the saying goes,  it's time to put my money where my mouth is, or commit to this idea.
I don't know how long it will take me to complete the list. This will be an on-going project, one that I'm sure will increase my joy.  I hope some of you will join me in compiling your own list.  I'll be using the hashtag #1000Gratitudes on social media.
Here goes:
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Health
  4. Home
  5. Job
  6. Hobbies
  7. Vacation
  8. Relationships
  9. Laughter
  10. Pets
  11. Having Enough To Eat
  12. Democracy
  13. Freedom of Religion
  14. The Internet
  15. Flowers
  16. Zumba
  17. Happy Memories
  18. Spa Treatments
  19. Modern Medicine
  20. Health Insurance
20 Down! Only 980 to go.  Join me
What are some of the things you are grateful for?

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