I'm a quitter. I admit it. I started not to own up to it, but I just couldn't do that to you Joy Chasers. I could have just not mentioned anything and left you guys wondering what happened. Besides not wanting to be that person, I know it'd only be a matter of time before you guys were asking what's up. So here's the deal, check out the video below.
When I do vlogs for Chasing I don't use a script. So, there is one other reason I'm quiting that I forgot to mention. When I had to take time off to recover from my injury I lost some of my momentum and enthusiasm. It was not feeling fun and exciting anymore. I did not want that feeling to grow and spill over turning a very positive and healthy thing into something that I would dread doing. Forcing myself to continue with the Challenge could have produced a negative connection with exercise. I definitely don't want that.
Sometimes quiting is the best thing to do. Have you ever quit something? Why? Did you ever want to quit something bit stuck it out instead?