Self Expression Magazine

15 Reasons to Date and Why Not to Date a Photographer Reasons To...

Posted on the 28 May 2012 by Khristinacarla @khristinacarla
15 Reasons to Date and why Not to Date a Photographer
Reasons to...

15 Reasons to Date and why Not to Date a Photographer

Reasons to Date:

1. You will always have a nice profile picture on your Facebook.

2. He will make you see the beauty in things you see everyday.

3. You will always be asked on an adventure.

4. He would do anything and everything to take away the insecurities you have on your looks.

5. You will be his favorite model.

6. Your family would love him because they will always have a photographer to take their photos.

7. He will constantly look at you and randomly tell you how amazing you look.

8. He would make you see how an ugly movie could be pretty.

9. He would document all the memories you will have together.

10. He would never cheat on you because his only other love would be his camera.

11. When coming home from his adventures, he wouldn’t just tell you about the trip, he’d show you and make you feel like you were there.

12. You would get free access to the best spot in a concert/event.

13. Travelling by plane is essential in the relationship.

14. He will take you to breathtaking places for any occasion.

15. Leaving a photographer could be the dumbest thing you’ll ever do.

Reasons not to date:

1. Will not be a good provider in the future for your family and end up regretting.

2. You’ll get jealous with the models trying to get close with him.

3. You can’t rush them.

4. Talks about camera 24/7 like LOKO.

5. Protects their cam from the rain while you get wet from the rain.

Bullsh*t eh? 

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