Time spent alone is important. End of. That doesn't mean hanging out with your best friend or snuggling with your boyfriend or shopping with your Mum...even though these things are great and sound very appealing, it sometimes isn't the same as being alone and enjoying time in your own company.
I've never had any problems with being on my own. I have so many different hobbies and ideas that I generally never have time to get bored. Today I spent my morning stocking up on my healthy seeds and grains, purchased way too many kilner jars and made my kitchen pretty and organised...boring to some, satisfying to me. I made myself breakfast, (obviously my favourite quinoa bowl) cleaned the house and then took myself on a long, 13 mile run. Admittedly, I'd planned to spend the day hygge-ing with my best friend Emma but she's poorly *sad face* so I had to amuse myself for the day. But sitting here at twenty past eight in my jammies, waiting for The Walking Dead to start, I feel pretty content with my day.
Spending time alone encourages you to really focus on yourself and what you need. You have no option but to think about you and listen to your own mind. Spending time by yourself gives you a chance to reflect, whether that be on the week you've had, the choices you've made or something different.
A couple of weeks ago I went for a walk in the woods, just my camera and I, and I noticed my footsteps, I heard the birds singing, I touched the beautiful fern leaves that always take me back to my childhood. I felt happy.
One of the most inspirational ladies on Instagram, Aubrey Renee, believes in creating a life of intention. Set your goals straight, learn what you want and do that.
So, one day this week, take some time for yourself. Let that be your focus. Listen to you mind, body and soul...and then do whatever it needs.