Self Expression Magazine

2011 in Three Words

Posted on the 30 December 2011 by Alison @AlStaples

2011 in three words

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I tweet - occasionally.
I vaguely understand hash tags (#) and trending. I don't usually see the point, but tonight #2011in3words is top of the pops.
It's really interesting to read what people have written. Here are just a few (of probably millions).
Another year blown.
I'm still alive.
Learnt from mistakes.
That was quick.
Worse than expected.
Post Potter depression.
Rest in Peace.
I'm still standing.
My life's complicated.
I've gone and depressed myself now!
Am I the only person who thought that 2011 absolutely rocked?
Some of mine would be:
Stood in trench.
Wore fairy wings.
Married in zoo.
I'm Mrs Pocock.
Champagne up Eiffel.
Coast to Coast.
Chasing a whale.
Stalking a Moose.
Crossed Checkpoint Charlie.
I've got Shingles.
Loved Duran Duran.
My Wonderful Life.
Bring on 2012!
How about you?

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