Did you know that we experience more inner confidence when we are aligned with our life's purpose? Individuals who feed their soul exude a kind of self-confidence that is not seen in other people. These individuals know who they are (Finally!) and aren't afraid to speak their truth...even if it means others won't necessarily agree with them.
Connecting to what your heart wants is very important in growing as a person. Have you ever heard someone advise you to "Just follow your heart"? Well that's because doing what you love means listing to that inner guide. That still voice inside you that some refer to as intuition. When you take action driven by what you love, you learn to follow your passion without fear. We learn to shift from the ego to the heart and it's a beautiful thing.
- Identify your passion. What is it that lights you up from the inside out? What topic is it that if someone were to ask you to speak about it in front of a whole room, you know without a doubt you would feel confident because of how passionate you are about the subject? I already know the answer to this. I am passionate about helping other people. I know that without a doubt, and therefore, it is what appealed to me about my all-natural approach to healing and what continued to move me forward into my yoga practice.
- Love yourself. This one is harder. So in order to do this one justice, we do a little exercise in my Boost Your Heart program called leaving love notes to yourself. It's a journaling exercise and it really is important. Notice qualities within yourself that help you to find meaning, pleasure and satisfaction. Allow yourself permission to write down what is your true heart's desire. Sometimes, following your heart often requires you to take a detour from the path others thought you should take. It can be a long and lonely road initially...but not when you have someone to talk to about your feelings. It's important to know that you have worth and are important even if you aren't doing what others expected you to do. Trust the journey.
- Be authentic. Have you ever done something that just doesn't feel like you? Maybe you weren't available emotionally or mentally because you were trying to fit into a certain crowd. You might have left a situation feeling drained actually because you were trying to keep up this appearance. If you are tuned into how you feel now, and what you really and truly want, it changes the way you interact with people. We must be willing to look at our lives with honesty and true reflection. We must be willing to truly evaluate the parts of it that no longer serve our needs.
Are you truly following your heart?
I have worked with people who have these amazing dreams and desires, but for whatever reason, they ignore them because they think that they are unreachable. Some women would prefer to pretend to be happy and sacrifice their true happiness but justifying that their inner dreams are not really that important anyway. They have to be a mom, a wife, a teacher, a whatever and can't be themselves. They have fit their life into the role that they feel they must fulfill even if they have outgrown that role or it has them suppressing their inner most desires. I am actually thinking of the woman in The Shift, Wayne Dyer's movie.
When she woke up and told her husband she was going to stay at the beach for a few more days to paint, it was like an awakening was taking place in her. She realized that her children didn't even know she had a love of painting. It was quite moving. If you are ready to reconnect to what you love in life, and go fearlessly forward, I invite you to connect with me in my work with me tab. It takes courage to follow your heart.
