Confidence is one of those things I am always working on. I am a lot more confident about some things. However, there are still some areas that need work. Areas where I still seem to need some sort of outside approval. Can you relate? Oh well life is a constant circle of self evaluate and self improve.
Here a few tips that have helped me to work on my confidence. I still refer to these tips as needed.
Get clear about what you believe. What you believe in. Who you believe you are. What you believe about life. I believe In laughing A LOT. Read More...
- Learn to enjoy your own company. Part of Chasing Joy is being comfortable doing things on your own and enjoying your own company. It's not easy but at the end of the day you will feel proud of yourself and just a bit more confident because there was something you wanted to do and you did it. Read More....
- Accept your body as is. A while back I decided to take some boudoir photos. I had to accept my body as is and take off my clothes!!! I found the entire experience to be both liberating and confidence building. Read more...
Does your confidence need a boost? What tips do you use to feel more confident and sure of yourself?