Ok, it's not my actual birthday. But it is Chasing Joy's Birthday or Blogaversary on Jan 31. However we are celebrating today with a twitter party birthday party. Join in tonight at 8pm EST. The hashtag is #ChasingJoy. Like any good birthday party there will be gifts. I will be giving away several $10 Maggiano's gift cards. Join in to win and don't forget to follow me @Chasing_Joy on twitter to be eligible to win.

This was the first time I represented Chasing Joy in person. The event was a local blogger meet-up called Blog About It.
I even had to do a little public speaking to introduce myself!
I finished a 5K. I jogged most of it too!!!
I got to be silly with @TheYoungMommy at my first Blogalicious Conference!
I hosted my 1st #JoyofGiving Charity Event collecting over 100 articles of clothing, shoes, and accessories for women transitioning from welfare to work.
I have been able to write several tributes to my dad.
The Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn #CJBL made the front page of the Scoop Local Paper!!!

I've even been a little crafty. Check out these Love themed Printable Bookmarks. Get yours in time for Valentine's Day
Blogging these past 4 years has been a very Joyful experience. But sharing my thoughts and experiences with you Joy Chasers has made it much more special.I hope you join me for the party!!!!!