I am currently reading The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. It was the June selection for my book club. We met and talked about it last week. I'll be talking about my takeaways from the book on Girlfriendology so stay tuned for that. During our book club conversation the topic of Mondays came up.
Mondays are probably the least liked day of the week. For most of us it signals the end of fun and leisure of the weekend and back to the routine of work and school. So how do we stay happy and Joyful and avoid coming down with a case of the Mondays? Here are a few tips:
- Don't think about Monday on Sunday. Many of us start thinking about all that Monday has in store for us before Monday is even here. We completely lose part of Sunday because we have already started filling with dread and anxiety dreading the start of the week. Thinking about it ahead of time does not change the circumstance that indeed, Monday follows Sunday every single week. All you are doing is losing part of your enjoyment. Make every effort to stay in the moment on Sunday. While there may be certain things you have to do on Sunday (laundry, food prep, etc.) to prepare for the next week try to complete those tasks without thinking much about what the next day will be like or what you are worried about occurring in the week ahead.
- Find something positive about Mondays. Not thinking about Monday is easier said than done. When you do find yourself doing it and feel your Joy fleeing your body try to turn the thought around. Look at the bright side and think of at least 1 think good about Monday. It could be something specific about that particular Monday or it could be something that applies to every Monday. For me most of my team is off on Monday including my supervisor. So when negative thoughts about Monday find their way into my consciousness my next thought is usually, at least it will be quiet and she won't be there. Try to find at least one thing that brings about positive feelings related to Monday.
- Make Monday Funday. OK that may be a bit far fetched but you can create ways to make Monday feel a little more fun. For a long time I would always wear my nicest outfits on Mondays. This would help me to feel pretty. Often when scheduling lunch dates with friends/co-workers I'll intentionally schedule them for Mondays. The lunches would give me something positive to look forward to about Monday.
- Give Monday a new meaning. For a long time now on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page and Twitter we have repurposed Monday as a day to set goals. We call it Make it Happen Monday (#MakeItHappenMonday on Twitter and Instagram). Instead of thinking about how much Monday is shocking, how I wish I did not have to get up early, and how it would be so much more fun if it were still the weekend, I spend Monday thinking about what I want to accomplish during the week. I also feel very inspired when I read what everyone else posts for their goals for the week.