Time really flys. I cannot believe it has been 4 years already. When I read over my very first post I can't help but to reflect on what is the same and what is different.
Things that are the same:
"I'm starting this blog after reading the blogs of two women that I admire so very much and am lucky enough to call friend." - I still very much admire Marcia and @Ms. Pillowz and am happy to call them friends. :-)"What this blog is, is a collection of my thoughts, happy, sad, deep, meaningful, shallow or trivial". - Yup, still a collection of my thoughts.
"I hope that some of you will relate and others will gain some insight into the ups and downs of a single, 30 year old woman" - True except now I am 30ish lol. This is still my hope.
Things that are different:
" I'm putting my thoughts to paper as a form of self expression during a very difficult time in my life" - While there are certainly challenges in my life I would not say it is a very difficult time. By some standards I'm sure it could be described as a difficult time, but I am not claiming that. I am no longer grieving or heartbroken.

It's funny how hard some bad habits are so difficult to break. Reflecting on 4 years of blogging almost immediately has me thinking, Wow 4 years and I only have X many followers and X many pageviews and other bloggers have way more who have been blogging for a shorter amount of time. It is sad how quickly the negative thoughts come even when you are actively working on being more positive.
I remind myself that when I started Chasing Joy I had no goals other than to write and feel happier. Those goals were achieved. In addition to achieving that goal I do have X followers and X many pageviews. I also have lots of new friends. I have made money blogging. I have supported two charities via Chasing Joy Joy of Giving events. Lastly, I have hosted 3 successful Chasing Joy Brunch & Learns. Despite my initial thoughts I have had a great 4 years Chasing Joy.
It would not be a true birthday or blogaversary without a celebration. Please join me on Jan 29th at 8pm for a #ChasingJoy Twitter party. We will be talking about blogging, happiness, and birthdays! It wouldn't be a party without gifts! Only Chasing Joy will be giving them instead of receiving them (but you have to be following me on twitter @Chasing_Joy to win). So don't miss out!
Do you have a blog? When is your blog birthday/Blogaversary? How long have you been blogging? How does where you are now in your blogging life compare to where you started?