Creativity Magazine

5 Talents I’d Love to Have

Posted on the 23 September 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

There are many talents in the world.  While I think it’s nifty when someone can run much faster than anyone else, or calculate large numbers in their head, it’s the little gifts that amaze me.  They are often overlooked, or glossed over as humorous tidbits of information.

Here are some of those types of talents that I would love to have:

I would love to be able to use my toes to pick things up, or write.

My toes are basically entirely for show.  They don’t do anything of value.  My parents keep trying to tell me that toes help me keep balance, but given the hundred times a day that I tip over– I’m sticking by my stance that my toes are useless.

I am grateful for my toes though– even if all they offer me is a test platform for my nail polish ideas.


I would love to be able to determine if wall art is straight without relying on math, levers, and rulers.

People are always asking me if a painting is straight, or if a platform is straight, or if the nails they drilled in the wall are straight.  Before I met my best friend, I genuinely thought it was one of those inane, approximate questions that people ask– like, “Does my hair look alright?”  Soon I realized that she could determine, with her eyes alone, what took me actual math to prove.

I am grateful for math, though– and the ease in which it integrates into my life.



I would love to be able to read upside down with fluency.

Sometimes I walk by books left open by their readers.  I take a peek, to sneak a line or two into my heart, but inevitably can’t read fast enough to capture any words.  Most of the time, I can’t even say for certain that the book was in English.

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I would love to be able to mind map.

I’ve downloaded programs, and taken classes, and even practiced with some pros, but the truth is– my brain is incredibly difficult for me to map.  I love the visual flow of information and I think this skill could assist with the biggest communication gap I ever face– my sometimes-inability to show someone what my ultimate plan is.  A lot of the time, it just looks like I’m zig-zagging around and it’s quite difficult for others to keep the faith in the plan, because all they see is the crazy.

I think something sorted like this would help:


But when I try, it ends up looking something like this:


Still, I am grateful that my mind is not too linear of a place.

I would love have the talent for offering just the right suggestion.

I’m an over-suggestor.  I’m the one who fills up the suggestion box the day after it’s installed.  No matter who is asking, I always seem to have ideas and possible solutions.  There are people out there, though, who can look at a situation and offer the perfect solution 9 times out of 10.  Most of the time, they don’t even realize what a gift that is!

I am grateful that I see possibility wherever I look, even if it is not focused.

I found this cartoon on various internet places without attribution or caption.  I'm guessing the caption originally read,

I found this cartoon on various internet places without attribution or caption. I’m guessing the caption originally read, “Hey look, Rara was here.”


Daily Post: Tell us about a talent you’d love to have, but don’t:

So, what about you? What talent would you love to have? Bonus points if it’s an overlooked talent, but super talent and awesome talents count, too.

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