That was fifteen years ago. But I still follow the Yes Mom principle, because I know the positive impact saying yes can have on a child, and I see the result of that today in my now 20-year-old son.

Last month, I participated in the #YesMom campaign by ActivKids Immuno Boosters , where I shared a video describing how a Mom's No impacts her kids. Here's the video-take a look.
The thing is, a Mom's NO can have a much bigger impact on her child than she ever imagined-and the consequences can be unexpectedly far-reaching-as you can see in the video. From the Mom's viewpoint, she is protecting her child. But for the child, it can be losing out on the joys of childhood.
Why? Fear.Naturally saying no is a heart-breaking experience-nevertheless she says it because she thinks that's what is right for her child. After all, if a Mom has ONE priority, it is the health of her child, and she'll do everything in her power to make sure her child eats well, gets the right nutrition, and has a strong immune system since that means fewer sick days.
Being a Yes Mom has rewarded me with a wonderful relationship with my son.
When I saw my friends talking about the #YesMom Challenge on social media, I once again pledged to be a #YesMom. After all, always a Mom, no matter how old the kids, right?
To make it easier to become a Yes Mom, Cipla has introduced ActivKids Immuno Boosters, geared to build immunity in a tasty, nutritious choco-bite.

I was curious to try it and got a pack from my local pharmacy. The cute pack contains 30 individually packed choco-bites, making it convenient to pop into that lunchbox.

There are two versions available: for the 4-6 age group and for 7+ years and above. I got the 4-6 age groups' pack and shared it with my friend, whose daughter is just turning four. She loved the choco-bite and said it was "crunchy, yummy, tasty chocolate," and over the next week, looked forward to enjoying one every day! We've explained that it will make her stronger, and encouraged by this, she has started eating better now!
The choco-bite is tasty and rather like dessert. And I was happy to learn that each choco-bite contributes to less than 1% calorie from sugar of the total daily energy requirement and thus presents no risks of dental caries and high-calorie intake.
But why should you include Immuno Boosters in your child's diet?
My answer is: to empower yourself to be a Yes Mom.

School kids lead such busy lives these days that they sometimes don't get the nutrition they need to build their immunity. This makes them more prone to infections and missing days at school. They lose out on enjoying their childhood privileges like an impromptu ice-cream for fear of getting a cold, not playing as much as they should for fear of falling sick or getting hurt...and much more.
Children are usually more vulnerable to infections because they are still building their immunity in the growing years, which is why it is crucial to ensure that they develop a strong immune system.
According to Cipla's research, kids in India do not receive even 50% of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of key immunity nutrients. Added to this, there are factors such as pollution, inadequate diet and lack of physical activity that affect a child's immunity. Low immunity leads to frequent infections and has an impact on long-term growth and development.
What is ActivKids Immuno Boosters?
Formulated in consultation with pediatricians, ActivKids Immuno Boosters is a unique nutritional supplement for Indian kids to help build their immunity, based on their dietary needs. The goal is to build immunity via nutrition. The delicious choco-bite format gives up to 100% RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of key Immunity Nutrients, namely:
- Vitamin A - anti-infective vitamin
- Vitamin B 9 - anti-immune stress vitamin
- Vitamin C - anti-cold vitamin
- Iron - anti-microbial mineral
The nutrients in Immuno Boosters help build immunity by:
- Providing immune strength to fight germs,
- Helping in the formation of immune cells
- Strengthens skin defense system
- Helping in blood formation
- Protecting body from cell damage
You too can get your hands on one here
Here are 5 ways ActivKids Immuno Boosters helps you say YES!
- Fewer tantrums because healthy kids are happy kids, right? A strong immune system lays the foundation of healthy kids. For Moms, it boosts their confidence to say Yes to things they would normally say No to. Strengthening their kids' immune system gives Moms the freedom from facing the challenge of keeping them healthy.
- Your kids have healthier appetites. Imagine the joy of serving your child a healthy meal which he/she relishes. No pushing away plates. No complaining about not being hungry.
- Sick days are rare. Which means no more worry about missing school and constantly catching up on that backlog. Considering the amount of work kids do in school, that's a scary prospect. I am happy to recall that my son missed very few days in school, which meant he did not miss any of the fun extra-curricular activities in school. His academic performance was consistently good. We attribute it to his healthy immune system.
- An active child who's curious to explore and experiment is an unending source of joy and that's what you can expect from a child with a strong immune system. We have made some wonderful memories with our son, who constantly surprised us with his creativity and his cheerful attitude-still does!
- No more fear of missing out on a happy childhood. As mothers, when we say no, we are saying no to many things. Of course, we must teach them to tell the difference between right and wrong, dos and don'ts, but we must also allow them to explore and learn and build their ability to make decisions as we encourage them to grow into confident individuals. The gift of a happy childhood is priceless.
Get the confidence to say yes to your child's childhood!
Oh yes, making the shift to being a #YesMom can be slightly scary-but the rewards?
Will you be a #YesMom?
(This post is in collaboration with Cipla Ltd. All views and opinions are exclusively mine.)