Self Expression Magazine

A Capitol Weekend

Posted on the 27 May 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

Because I haven’t done one of these in a while, because I’m tired from traveling, because we saw so many pretty things, and because I really want to share my wonderful weekend in Washington D.C. with you, here’s another weekend as told via Instagram and iPhone photos!

The Association for Psychological Sciences, where we were presenting

The Association for Psychological Sciences, where we were presenting

Dinner at my Aunt Laurie's, with my mom, my Aunt Loraine, my hubby, and my sister - and yeah, I know, I know, I'm on my phone again

Dinner at my Aunt Laurie’s, with my mom, my Aunt Loraine, my hubby, and my sister – and I’m on my phone. Again.

Karen's ready to Segway

Karen’s ready to Segway

Me and Mom. BTW, Mom Segways like a boss.

Me and Mom. BTW, Mom Segways like a boss.

The originals

The originals

You just wish you could be this nerdy - cool

You just wish you could be this nerdy cool

Segways on Pennsylvania Avenue

Segways on Pennsylvania Avenue

And at the Capitol

And at the Capitol

Segway Tour

Segway Tour

We stopped to pay respect at the Vietnam Memorial

We stopped to pay respect at the Vietnam Memorial – as did SO many others

2013-05-25 12.30.00

Rolling Thunder is in town. Thousands and thousands of bikes and bikers!

After a pub lunch, we went to the Air & Space Museum

After a pub lunch, we went to the Air & Space Museum

I still dream of getting to spacewalk

I still dream of getting to spacewalk

Talk about your brave souls.

Talk about your brave souls.

We were such happy nerds when we discovered this!

We were such happy nerds when we discovered this!

A visit to the Smithsonian National Zoo, just up the street!

A visit to the Smithsonian National Zoo, just up the street! And Mom, Karen, and I are silly. We know.

You can't not love pandas. Don't even try.

You can’t not love pandas. Don’t even try.

Okay, it's work time! Mom, Karen and I always present in matching t-shirts

Okay, it’s work time! Mom, Karen and I always present in matching t-shirts

And now it's poster time!

And now it’s poster time!

Here’s hoping all of you had a wonderful weekend as well, and if you had Monday off, wishing you a great start to a short week!


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