Now, awesome is not the same as perfect. No one has a perfect life. But I think (hope) we all have a few aspects of our lives that make us happy and/or make things easier. I'm not talking about things like having freedom, health, and friends. I'm talking about things that are unique to you that give you joy.
More often than not we fall into the bad habit of focusing on the negative. We think about the job that isn't progressing the way we want, or the fight we had with a loved one, or some other negative situation. We get blinded by it and forget about all of the little things that are going right. Here are a few things that are going right in my life, a few things that make my life awesome!
- My car is paid off. It is no longer new but I don't have a car note. I am also not on SEPTA (Philadelphia Public Transportation). At any time I can get in my car and go. #Freedom!
- I have a desk job. Having once worked retail I can appreciate sitting down for work.
- Sometimes I feel sad that I am not married yet with kids. But the flip side of that is I can do whatever I want. I don't have to answer to anyone. I don't have to check in with anyone. I don't have to consider how my actions will impact future generations of Joy Chasers. I don't have to worry about how I am spending my time or money. I can invest in myself and in my blog.
- I inspire other people! This fact is just coated in awesome sauce. I am almost 80 days's into my #100DaysofFitness Challenge and at least four different people have told me they started their own fitness challenges after seeing my updates.
- Related to the above, I have access to two separate gyms. One is free through work. The other comes with a monthly fee, but access to multiple gyms across the country. This has made it easier for me to keep up with the Challenge and to make fitness more routine. Short on time I can go right after work. If I want to take classes in the evening or on the weekend I can go to the other one. Lot's of options.
- I can wear any color I want. Here is the awesome part, they all look good on me. I have been blessed with one of those skin tones that does not really wash out. I can wear brights, pastels, earth tones, and any other tones. If you know me in real life and disagree with me on this, kindly keep your opinion to yourself ;-)
- Lastly, these guys love me so much they put up with these outfits.

What is going right in your life? What is making your life Awesome!!!
**This post was written as part of theA to Z Challenge**