Self Expression Magazine

A Look Back

Posted on the 20 December 2012 by Asoloaffair @a_solo_affair

female writer

2012 has been a crazy year for me! After surviving a very painful breakup in the summer of 2011, while simultaneously starting a new career as a writer, I was so emotionally and physically depleted that I found myself bedridden with mono for the first three months of 2012. I know now that, those sleepy months of hibernating like a little bear while the rest of the world went on with their lives was vital for healing my heart. That 3-month pause gave me the strength I needed to discover how I wanted to live my new life. I remember the day, near the end of my recovery, I awoke early and popped out of bed with such urgency; I raced to my computer knowing that I was about to start a blog. Reflecting back, I can clearly see that 2011 was the year my life fell apart and 2012 was the year I put it all back together – solo.

During the next few weeks, I’m going to be re-posting my favourite blog posts of 2012. For those of you that have just joined, I’d love to hear your feedback! And for those loyal readers that have been around since the beginning, I promise to sneak away from a few drunken holiday parties to blog.



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