Self Expression Magazine

A Parenting Fail to Make You Feel Awesome

Posted on the 04 September 2013 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo
Eeerrr I'll try not to do it again.

Eeerrr I’ll try not to do it again.

Having a bad day? Well here’s a tasty little morsel from my life to:

a) give you a laugh

b) make you feel clever

c) make you feel like your parenting skills are actually skills

Because at the moment, mine certainly aren’t. 

I’ve had my fair share of parenting fails. I’ve traveled 120km with my 6mth old and forgoten to take nappies. FAIL

I’ve yelled at, smacked and got irritable with my kid when he didn’t deserve it. FAIL

I’ve also been to swimming lessons and forgotten nappies (me and nappies, we have a thing). FAIL

But today’s little episode, it’s by far THE MOST ridiculous thing I’ve managed to do as a parent.

Lately I have been uber forgetful. I don’t know WHAT is going on. I’ve even started this new to-do list system that is working for me really well in terms of getting stuff done but somehow, things are still falling out of my brain. One day, my brain will wake up and decide to participate in my life but for now, it seems to be having a nice looooong rest.

So my best brain freeze yet coincided with my ability to parent and all I can say is poor Monkey. Last night, I managed to put the kid to bed wiithout a nappy on.

We don’t toilet train, we aren’t anywhere near it. In fact, Monkey pees the equivalent of about an Olympic sized pool at night so he well and truly needs the nappy. Not only did I make this mistake but I did it on the eve of his birthday so he woke up 2 years old and covered in urine. OMG.

Which was awesome because I didn’t have enough to do already with work and the party prep for the party on Friday so yay that I got to fill in some of that “spare” time with washing the bedclothes and his pjs and his sleeping bag. Made. My. Day.

Anyway, I shouldn’t complain. I didn’t sleep in pee.

It took me hours to figure out (ie remember) what happened. Initially, I thought it must have been at pj time right after the bath but then I remembered that he did a no 2 after bedtime bottle so we had to do a nappy change. I think I was rushing as he was wriggling and being a pain in the A so in my “rush” I simply cut out a vital step.

FAIL. Big fat parenting fail. I suck. I totally suck. But hey, we live to fight another day.

They say mistakes are proof that you are trying but I’m not really sure that applies here. What was I trying to do exactly that caused my mistake?  I want to steal this quote but I just don’t think even I can sell how that would work for me. So I’m going to settle for ooops. I’ll try not to do it again.

Do you have any awesome parenting fails to tell me? Go on, show me your worst!

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