Creativity Magazine

A Royally Wonderful Night

Posted on the 03 October 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Matticus and his beautiful queen had us over for dinner last night.  I wasn’t great with pulling out the camera, but we did manage to capture this picture which seems to be a pretty accurate summation of what it was like in the Kingdom…

Oops, look like Queen played a bit of an invisibility trick on us in this one.

Oops, look like Queen played a bit of an invisibility trick on us in this one.  I guess you’ll have to take my word on how lovely she really is.

Firstly, many accolades to the queen. Did you know that in the 5 or 6 years that Dave has been diabetic, she is only the fourth person who has ever attempted to brave his diet and pickiness and prepare a meal for us? If you don’t count moms and best friends– then she’s the very first. The fact that the meal was delicious, and she didn’t seem a bit frazzled, and the baby was gloriously happy, just makes it even more impressive. Plus, somehow she managed to clean our entire mess up while Dave, Matticus, and I were talking about science fiction. I’m sure that conversation was only 3 minutes long, so either we lost track of time while chatting– or she’s magic. I’m going with magic.

The Little Prince was as completely wonderful as you might imagine. He was captivated by everything, full of smiles, and quite advanced for his age. He was a great sport about us interrupting his routine, as well.

As for Matticus– wow! Everything you imagine to be true about him is true. He’s kind, patient, gracious, and very much a caring father and husband. We chitchatted about nearly everything– from world takeover to The Shining– and didn’t even pull out the computers once.  I think I even managed to identify two or three movie quotes without confirming them with the internet.

Take that, Google.

I’ve actually met many online friends in person, but it was a wonderful experience to chat with someone who knows blogging and you.
Blogging is a very dense hobby– full of nooks and corners, and fantastic people– and I’ve very much enjoyed exploring it.  I’m ready for the second stage of finding people as interested in it as I am.

I’m looking forward to visiting the Kingdom again, and of course– meeting more bloggers!

I’m hooked now.


The other-side-of-the-coin post is already up over at the Kingdom, in case you want to read about the night from the other point of view.  In that post, the picture of the three of us in front of a mantle.  Hmmm, it must’ve been photoshopped. ;)

Have you ever met a blogger in real life? 

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