Happy Christmas Everyone
Well here we finally are. I hope you all have a really fantastic day. I shall be cooking dinner for seven. Me and Tris, my dad, sister, in-laws and sister in-law. Actually I suppose it's eight if you count Charley Bucket, our naughty pussy cat.
There is however somebody missing at our table. My lovely mom. It's ten years this year since we had - in the words of Wham - our last Christmas.
This year I've done something rather special for my Dad's Christmas present. Mum was a really good artist. In the years before she died she took up her brush and started painting again. During that time she did a few commissions, won some competitions and did a couple of exhibitions. But her paintings never really reached the audience that the internet now gives us the opportunity to reach.
When I was at my dad's at the beginning of the month, I bought back her portfolio's and since then I've been secretly been scanning them in. My mom - Janet Staples (not to be confused with an American artist with the same name) now has her own web site (www.janetstaplesart.blogspot.com)

Happy Christmas Dad - Happy Christmas Mum - Happy Christmas everyone!

Please do visit mum's web site and enjoy her pictures (click here)