Self Expression Magazine

Abortion - Female Foeticide

Posted on the 01 April 2016 by Amitagulia
Every now and then, somewhere around the world, a tiny innocent life is taken brutally just because it's bearers discover that it's a girl. Female foeticide - the practice of aborting a girl child while it's still in mothers womb is illegal in almost every country.
Despite of being illegal, girls child is many times not let to take birth or killed immediately after birth or worse - left unwanted to its destiny.
I know the title of post is not pleasing enough to read, but then, it's the fact. Name it anything, killing, foeticide or anything - finally it is an abortion. There are times when aborting the child is definitely required, but there has to be a valid, rational or rather moral reason behind that. Not wanting that life just because it's a girl or boy and thus might lead to some changes in lifestyle is by  no means acceptable.
Below are some lines which I think the little butterflies would have spoken if they were asked after being the unfortunate victim to ironical practice of Female Foeticide:
You cheered when I dropped,The family celebrated when you announced,The people judged when I formed,The cheer turned in agony when you learned.My blood would have been the same,My first cry,My first smile,My first step,My first word,Except the gender,All would have been same.Only if, my eyes were opened,If, I was allowed,To form,To arrive,To grow...!
The major reason behind these killings right inside the womb is - Desire of a boy. People in our society have developed a culture where everyone thinks that a boy becomes the support system of parents in their old age while girls are a burden. The girls are considered a burden because of the dowry system and the fact that they move to their husband's place after marriage.
We need to open up our mind, eyes and ears with the changing times. People must understand that the situations have changed. Girls were not able to help very much earlier because:
1. Their marital places used to be far away and it took too long to send help because of poor modes of transport.
2. The modes of communications were almost nil- no phones. Thus, by the time need of help reached the daughters and they tried to help, it was generally too late.
3. Female members of home had limited access to finances.
All the above points stands void in present times. Considering the religious sentiments as-well, in our country India, a girl child or a daughter in law is termed an equivalent of Goddess  Laxmi(Money). Thus killing her for the need to a son which ultimately drills down to financial reasons is something that stands unanswered and raised eyebrows.
While it's absolutely fine to call the boys "Kul Ka Deepak"(lamp of the family heritage), it's equally insulting to call the girls "Paraya Dhan"(someone else's money).
People need to keep the the ironical proverbs on Deepak in mind - "diya tale andhera", the lamps fail to lighten up the area below themselves.
This post is written as a part of April 2015 A to Z Challenge. My theme for this year is 'WOMEN and ISSUES AROUND THEM'. Click at the link to check other common issues women face in and their respective links.

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