Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 06 March 2017 by Zer @the2women

Disney Pixar disney sad pixar awwAs we begin a new week with infinite possibilities, one thing is clear, we are living in some strange and sometimes troubling times. By comparison, Mondays don’t seem quite as depressing. At least you’ll have something to distract you from the endless barrage of head-scratching headlines. With a new allegation or controversy breaking every few hours or so, never has there been more of a need for Monday motivation.

As you might have guessed, I’m here to help you get over those Monday and general blues. Consider me your personal pep squad with some help from a few animated assistants.

happy excited applause minions cheering

There’s no denying that there’s a lot going on right now that’s not exactly awesome. As a concerned and active participant in this thing we call life, it can seem like the world is going to hell in a handbasket. If that’s how you’re feeling, I can’t say I blame you, but it might be time for a change of perspective.

Disney weekend tangled saturday sunday

Instead of focusing on the bad, take a look at the good that’s happening. For every single person who seems to be making the world a little darker, there are countless working to make it brighter. Which is an encouraging thought.

Disney joke sloth zootopia

Another good tip for turning your mood around is to step outside your bubble every now and then. You know the one. It’s that information bubble filled with your Facebook and Twitter feed. It’s that endless stream of news and nonsense. I promise, the world won’t end if you don’t hear the latest breaking news the second hits the interwebs.


And if that’s not enought to get you out of your Monday slump, you can always go for a more practical approach.

Disney friends hug friend friendship

Hang in there. It may only be Monday, but that also means there’s four more days to make this week a little bit better.


…RIP Mr. Osborne…


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