Diaries Magazine

Are You Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Posted on the 24 December 2013 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

Wishing you a merry and bright WHITE #Christmas!

Merry Christmas

I have a special delivery for you today.


Wishing you a merry and bright WHITE #Christmas!

White and Bright

Yup.  I put my elf hat on, and made a little snow for you.  Because I love you like that.

There’s something peaceful about snow, isn’t there?

It’s quiet.

Wishing you a merry and bright WHITE #Christmas!

Peace and Quiet

The staggering simplicity of white snow just puts a blanket of quiet over everything.

Christmas is the one and only (and I screamed that) ONE AND ONLY time of year that I adore snow.

That’s it.

Okay, Okay.  I might adore it a couple of other times, but I’m not admitting it in my outside voice.

Wishing you a merry and bright WHITE #Christmas!

Make it bright

Christmas season is fantastical because it’s full of CHEER and homemade baileys.

Homemade Baileys = AKA Christmas coping mechanism.




My Christmas advice this season … wrap… sip … wrap … sip

Rinse.  Repeat.

Merry Christmas from Design The Life You Want to Live !

Fa* la* la* la * la

Snow season makes one speechless, doesn’t it?

Maybe it’s because our mouths are frozen shut.

But hey… who cares?


I wish I could mail a snowball to you.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

From our family to yours …

Merry Christmas

With much love!


Psssst.   I have a pressie for you.   Sign up to the bloggy and get your Merry HoHo gift.  It’s even better than a snowball.

What part of the world are you in today?

Do you have snow?

Merry Christmas to you and your family from Design The Life You Want to Live

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