Self Expression Magazine

…Ask More

Posted on the 23 February 2015 by Zer @the2women

Oscar DressesAnother Academy Awards has come and gone. Depending on who you talk to, the show was either entertaining in spite of the fact that it ran over by more than half an hour, or dull and long. But one of the highlights of the evening was the red carpet coverage.

Thanks to the #AskHerMore campaign, there was a noticeable difference in the celebrity interviews this year. For those who aren’t familiar with the hashtag, the movement’s purpose is to encourage reporters to expand their limited arsenal of questions for actresses to include something beyond,”who are you wearing?”. Which, if you take it literally or as it’s intended, is a ridiculous question to ask a large group of highly successful and talented women.

Not that there’s anything wrong with sharing the details of your fabulous designer, couture Oscar gown, but when that is literally all you’re asked about, well there’s something wrong. After all, these talented women made it to this prestigious event for, the reasons as their male counterparts. Why, then, should their questions be limited to their outfits and beauty routine, while the men are asked questions about the work that got them there?

Thankfully, the movement appears to have been taken to heart by last night’s red carpet reporters. After last night’s Oscar pre-show, I’m happy to say that I have absolutely no idea who designed anyone’s dress, with the exception of Lady Gaga, but it’s Lady Gaga…we had to know.

More on the Story: NY Times

…just for fun:

Just in case you’re having some serious withdrawal after last night’s Mani-Cam-free red carpet…R.I.P. Mani Cam —

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