2. Believing 3. Receiving
If you have been reading the blog for a while you know I have been sharing my experience using the Law of Attraction to have more Joy in my life. I guess I had a rather simplistic view of the Law of Attraction (LoA) some thing like what you put into the world is what you get from the world. After learning more about the Law of Attraction at the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn back in August I now know there is much more to it.
To have success with the LoA one of the main things you have to do is get really clear about what you want. I have done that by setting goals and going through the SMART Goals process. Now that I am clear it's time to get what I want from this life. Next steps Asking, Believing, and Receiving.
Asking is easy. We do it all the time. We ask for favors from friends, raises from our employers, respect from our peers, and many other things . The biggest thing to remember when asking as part of implementing the LoA is to ask with intention and with specifics that align with your goals. Here is what I am asking for.
- Goal - lose 80lbs. Asking - To find new ways to enjoy fruit and vegetables, for help remembering to drink my water each day, for obstacles that prevent me from getting to bed on time be removed, and to stay healthy enough to be active and exercise.
- Goal - Get in a Relationship. Asking - For help following my intuition and gut instincts, guidance on how and when to let my guard down, help seeing people for who they are on the inside more than the outside (kind of like that movie shallow Hal, remember that?), for the ability to write a good online dating profile, to be able to clearly identify and articulate the things that are most important to me in a man, and lastly that I be safe on all dates.
- Goal - Have more fun. Asking - To make new friends, To connect better with old friends, to find out about opportunities to do fun things, and most importantly to not let my insecurities stand in the way of new friendships, opportunities, and activities.
- Goal - Write draft of Chasing Joy Book. Asking - To remember to write every day, that obstacles that prevent me from having the time to write be removed, that I stay motivated and find the voice of the book.
Another reason why I am asking for so much is because I am asking God. Some people say the act of asking is when you put it out into the universe. That is fine. I am not hear to tell anyone what they should think. However, I consider myself to be a Christian, believing in the whole God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit squad. I know that there is absolutely nothing that is too much for God to handle. So when I ask I am asking for it all and I am asking in the form of prayer. I highly recommend you try it.
Of the 3 steps (Asking, Believing, and Receiving) Asking is the easiest step. Believing can be hard. For me it depends on two things. One is having Faith. That's where my spiritual foundation really comes into play. I will focus on what I said above about Nothing being to hard for God. The other thing Believing depends on is my believing in my self-worth that I deserve everything that I have asked for. Remembering that God wants me to be happy. Remembering that whatever bad things I may have done do not preclude me from being happy or receiving blessings. Remembering to accept responsibility and forgive myself as necessary and to not punish myself unnecessarily. Not believing that you deserve to be happy and have the things you want in life is a form of self punishment.
The hardest of the 3 steps is Receiving. The reason I think this is the hardest is because receiving includes having self-worth as mentioned above and also requires being open to the possibility that we may get the things that we want in a very different way than we plan. Being open to receiving all possibilities can be scary because you have to be vulnerable, and allow yourself to be in uncomfortable or unfamiliar scenarios.
Asking, Believing, and Receiving are 3 steps to having more joy in your life. Get clear about what you are asking for,allow your faith to help you believe that you can have what you want and understand that you deserve to be happy, then be open to receiving your blessings in ways that you may never have imagined.
Are you ready to Ask, Believe, and Receive? What are you Asking for? Which is hardest for you Asking, Believing, or being open to Receiving?