It would be so easy for me to fall into a funk right now but I really want to ward that off. So I am going to focus on the phrase this too shall pass, remembering all of the times God has come through for me, and sharing a few of the best days of my life.
In no particular order:
- Going to see Oprah's Life You Want Tour. What an amazing experience it left me smiling for days. Read about it here.
- Driving home on my 1st car (that im still driving) 9 years ago. I'd researched it, picked it out and financed it all by myself. My dad went with me and he was just as excited and proud of me as I was.
- The day my ex surprised me with roses at work and latter told me he had put money on an engagement ring. Things did not work out with us but it was such a great feeling to feel loved and confident in having a partner to go through life with. I look forward to experiencing that again when I find my Mr. Joy Chaser.
- My college graduation from Temple University. I felt so proud of myself and excited about my future.
- My high school senior proms. These were the first times I got a glimpse of myself as an attractice and maybe even sexy woman.
What are some of the best days of your life?