Before my Single Mother By Choice Q & A collaboration videos, on my last true baby making update, I told you guys I had some good news. The endocrinologist gave me the good news that my thyroid numbers were back in check and she was OK with me trying to conceive again. After that I met with the RE (fertility doctor) who also gave me the OK to proceed. It's official I can try for baby once again!!!! But, before I can start analyzing my temperatures and taking meds, before I ovulate, I have to make a decision. So what's the plan going to be, IUI or IVF? Who would have thought that creating the life I want for myself would involve so much medical intervention.
Check out my video below to see what I decided and why. If you have trouble with the embedded video click here >> IUI or IVF <<.
Did I pick the one you thought??? How far are you willing to go to create the life you want?
If you'd like to know more about my Single Mother By Choice and trying to conceive journey click here.