Words, and words are all I have,To take your heart away.
This beautiful song was first introduced to be by my brother. I am still in love with it ever since that day. Every single word in this song has a different meaning. I so wish I could ever write anything so heartwarming. The only way to do so I find is by writing more.Yes, I am back with a monthly blogging challenge or blog marathon. I am participating in NaBloPoMo September 2015. The theme of month is LESSON.
There are prompts available for each day except weekends. I am up for the prompt and in case k have some idea all by myself for the post, I would ditch the prompt.
Prompt for 1st September 2015 - It's back to school time: do you love the start of school or dread it?
Actually, in India, this time is from July. The summer vacations come to an end and children get ready to head the school again.I personally used to have mixed feeling when the vacations came to end.I was terrified of thinking about all the homework and project I have not completed.I used to feel happy that I would be meeting my friends again.I used to feel sad because this time meant end of all the fun with cousins.I used to feel excited thinking of my crush on the basketball court, corridors and where not!I used to start planning on faking my assignments.I used to start planning on mischievous activities to be done soon.
Go back in the memory lane and share about your feeling when your schools reopened.
Keep learning and do not forget to share the same.