Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 18 April 2017 by Zer @the2women


Happy International Juggler’s Day, crusaders! (Not to be confused with World Juggler’s Day, which is the Saturday closest to June 17.)

In honor of the day, I thought a bit of multitasking was appropriate, so you’re getting not two but three for one as we celebrate juggling day, Tax Day, and Earth Week.

Because I can’t think of a better metaphor for our relationship with this planet we call home. Can you?

Earth week, of course, is a countdown to Earth Day on April 22, a day which reminds us all to be kind to our home…it’s the only one we’ve got.


Of course, in the small moments of daily life, it can be easy to forget the delicate balancing act that we all have with our planet, an intricate, finely tuned ecosystem with very particular timing.


One false move may not seem like it would make a difference, but for good or ill, repeat that same small thing over and over and over again, and…


That small misstep came become one big problem. But guess what? It’s not too late. There’s still time to learn, master that balance, and move forward as pros.


And I know what you’re thinking…How in the world is she going to work Tax Day into a post about juggling and the environment? With this thought. All the money in the universe won’t get us a new planet…


But there just might be enough time to repair this one…

…bi-daily smile…


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